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Hi, So Glad You're Here!

I'm Chloe Somohano, but call me Cleo! I am an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University currently studying Moving Image Production with minor studies in Film Studies and Spanish.


Storytelling, Representation, and the Ability to Be

A transplant from Virginia to the Midwest, to the capital of Ohio, Columbus, I may be just starting my professional journey into storytelling, but make no mistake, I have always been seeped in stories. From a young age, I've been enamored by books and film, falling in love with the stories told through characters who's trials and tribulations resonated within my own life. As a Queer Cuban-Puerto Rican American, representation always have been and always will be a driving factor for the stories I consume and tell. There is power in our words and the power to change someone's life could be one episode away!

Chronically curious, I am constantly trying something new and learning, both inside and outside of the classroom. As a Moving Image Production major, I study film and video production at The Ohio State University, specifically concentrating in Animation. With a love for animation, I aspire to be a texture artist alongside pursuing screenwriting, both for Young Adult TV audiences! I spend my days honing my screenwriting skills and collaborating with fellow animators here on campus and in Columbus.

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